Free URL shortener service


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Here you will be able to shorten your links/URLs by batches. Just put them in the box above, one link/URL per line.
After the links are shortened, each line will shown a short url/link.

There are 4 possible options.

  • Domain: Allows you to choose between our main domain ( or its long version ( top
  • Captcha: If checked, a captcha will be required from the user of the link/URL to access to its content. Notice that captchas prevent robots from accessing your content. top
  • Folder: If used, all the protected links/URLs will be placed in a folder, which will be accesible by a short link/URL. top

The short link/URL is useful if you have either a very long URL, which is cumbersome to show, or if you prefer to hide your link, to prevent hotlinking to the resource.

Links/URLs never expire.

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